Above a photo of Salmorejo, a cold soup from Cordoba in Spain. Easy to make and very tasty, click here for more.
The Spanish labor market has an incredibly strong month. Since the beginning of measurements not as many unemployed Spaniards as in March found a job. This was reported by the Spanish employment office last Tuesday. The first measurements were made sixteen years ago. The number of unemployed in Spain fell in March by 48,600 to 3.7 million. This brought the number of Spaniards who were unemloyed for over year have found work since March 2016 to 392,000. This was a further step from the already substantial drop in unemployment in Spain in recent years. Despite this favorable development Spain still faces a relatively high unemployment. At 18 percent of the labor force, it is the highest in the eurozone after Greece. In 2013, Spanish unemployment peaked at 26 percent.
With lower unemployment and rising house prices the economy may soon get back to pre crisis levels, which means a good market to look at to obtain potential European clients. With almost 40 million inhabitants Spain is one of the largest European markets. Knowlegde of the Spanish language and culture is needed to be successful in Spain.
We help with European business development, speak Spanish and can help to become succesful in Spain.